Happy New Year!!!

Yes, we've arrived in 2025 - not only an occasion to resolve to get out cycling more often but also 2025 is the year of our Triennial Cycling Event known as the Trivets! These events are organised all over the country by Cycling UK's member groups, aimed at people aged 50 or over, encouraging them to participate in a ride of significant length (100 miles or 100km). We have run a number of popular Trivets rides over the years and have already chosen the date - Wednesday 2nd July.

Apart from the date (and even that could change) everything else is up for discussion - the base, the route, the catering, the leaders - so please come along to our meeting on Monday 6th January at 10.30 am to add your thoughts. The success of this event depends on the participation and support of our members. The more the merrier.

We will be meeting in the upstairs cafe at Booths at 10.30 following a short (hopefully) Committee meeting starting at 10 am. Hope to see several of you next Monday.

Wishing you all a great year ahead.


07500 564922


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