Committee news and dates for your diary

The new Committee met for the first time yesterday. We are all committed to keeping the club functioning and the meeting went well. You can access minutes through the documents section of the website.

Dates for your 2025 diary:

Festive lunch - we have chosen Saturday 18th January which was marginally the most popular/possible for people. We will shortly be posting details on the blog for you to make your choices and pay with a deadline of Sunday 15 December to get it all sorted before Christmas.

Tri-vets event on Wednesday 2nd July - 2025 is the year of the tri-ennial Cycling UK event where groups organise a 100 mile/km route for over 50s and we have usually been well supported. This is an opportunity for the club to showcase what it does and the area it covers so we hope you will get involved. Our first planning meeting will be in Penrith on Monday 6th January at 10.30 am - venue to be confirmed.

Several of us are hoping to Ride to the Sun - from Carlisle to Edinburgh, overnight setting off on Saturday 21st June. We wouldn't expect to ride it as a group, but having the event in our diaries will give us something to aim for and a reason to get out and ride through the winter months. Mike K did it last year and it sounds a great experience. The idea is that you arrive in Edinburgh as the dawn is breaking over the Firth of Forth.

Holidays - several ideas but nothing yet confirmed; watch the blog!

We are currently functioning without a secretary. As Chair I can, and will, deputise for the secretary and Tony has also offered to take on some functions. We are committed to making the new secretary's duties as light as possible. Please consider whether you can take this on or discuss with others who may be able to do so. 

It also means that for the time being I am the key club contact point so please address any issues to me. I'll do my best to supply a speedy response. 

That's all for now...

Alison 07500 564922


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