Runs List / Club Activity

Runs List / Club Activity:  The committee met on Monday 1st June. We agreed the Club position would remain that there would be no active Club cycling for the time being.

Cycling UK update:        1st June. (Extracts from Website below)
While the general advice remains that people should stay at home guidance in England ... ‘now allows for groups of up to six people from different households to ride together, .... providing social distancing is maintained.’ ...
‘Where group riding is allowed, cyclists should still observe good hygiene and Cycling UK advises leaving plenty of space when passing others and to avoid pulling in rapidly after overtaking another cyclist and causing them to end up in your slipstream.’
‘The guidance for avoiding contamination remains unchanged, keeping at least two metres away from anyone else, regularly washing your hands and catching coughs and sneezes in tissues and throwing them away immediately’ 
‘Just because you can, does not mean you should. Although it may be within current guidelines to cycle as a small group, the realities of maintaining proper social distancing measures whilst out cycling may mean that it's not a wise idea to head out with the maximum number of individuals allowed.’

The Committee suggests that members may wish to designate a meeting place (for no more than 6) on a private basis, to which they may cycle and disperse (with or without company). Social Distancing, appropriate hygiene, awareness of other road users (particularly in the context of the cyclists’ needs for spacing) is to be expected. The Committee considered a group of 6 cyclists could be problematic.


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