Funding for cycling in Cumbria

I set out below the text of an email I have received from our Bicycle Mayor for Cumbria.
 As you will see (paragraph commencing 'No need to suggest specific routes, no need to rant ...' below), an email to our / members' Councillor (names at the end of the email) about the need for cyclist better provision could really help with application of funds received and to be received. I have sent one to David Whipp on the Club's behalf;  I think individuals' contributions would assist. Regards to all  

 'Dear members and Associates – urgent action needed TODAY by YOU

Things are moving rapidly, both in terms of political direction (from the top) and funding on offer.

Over the last few weeks there has been the biggest change in Government attitude to non-motorised transport that I have ever seen in 25 years. Some of that is undoubtedly coming from Andrew Gilligan, the ex-Cycling Commissioner for London who is now inside No. 10.

What does this mean for Cumbria? It means that the county has £1.1m of emergency funding to spend on protected cycling and walking routes NOW. Okay, not a lot spread around the county’s main towns, but it’s a start. Cumbria needs to be able to show Government that it means business and can deliver on sustainable transport. It needs the public’s encouragement!

To this end I have coordinated lists of appropriate routes – some of you have contributed to this – thank you. What is needed right now – TODAY – is for as many people as possible to contact by email the Chairs of county council Local Committees. These are the councillors who will approve/ sign off the scheme applications as prepared by the Area Traffic Managers over the last week. The Chairs need to know that the public is demanding such measures and that they have the public’s support.

No need to suggest specific routes, no need to rant. Just send a polite but clear message that you and your family are cycling more: for work, shopping leisure and exercise but protected routes are urgently needed as motor traffic starts to increase once again.

Below is a list of the names and emails of the Chairs of each Local Committee. Can I suggest that if you live in the south of the county that you contact the South Lakeland and Barrow Chairs. And if you live in the north, please contact the Carlisle Chair plus one other. If in the west of the county please contact both Copeland and Allerdale committee Chairs. If you are fairly central please contact Eden and South Lakeland. Just a short request and message, along the lines I mentioned above, is all that is required.

Allerdale Local Committee Chair, Alan Barry –
Barrow Local Committee Chair, Kevin Hamilton –
Carlisle Local Committee Chair, Cyril Weber -
Copeland Local Committee Chair, Keith Hitchen –
Eden Local Committee Chair, David Whipp –
South Lakeland Local Committee Chair, Nick Cotton –

Many, many thanks for your support – there are enough of us to make a difference if we all act and push the same message. I’ll try to put something on the FB group page, too – there are 200 members in that.

Best regards

Richard Ingham
Bicycle Mayor of Cumbria


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