Re scheduled E/AGM Saturday 14th October + Ride + Bring and Share - GREYSTOKE VH

As agreed at the AGM we have decided to hold the AGM in October despite CUK as it enables us to plan more effectively for the coming year SO.... HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE INPUT into what the group plans FOR THE COMING YEAR. 

So this year to kick things off we will hold a slightly cut down meeting - the committee have all agreed to stand until at least October 2024. As usual there will be a ride before the bring and share lunch at 12.30.  If anyone does not know where Greystoke Village hall is try vines.stung.elder  in what 3 words! 

The Meeting proper will start at 1400 but it is always good to catch up with everyone during the lunch so sign up here to say what you will bring soup, savoury, or sweet and for how many. If you are unable to bring anything please expect to pay something towards the cost (say £5?) and also sign the list to say you are coming to the lunch.

The Agenda -which I will try to keep up to date is here but let me know if you would like a topic added

So things to do.....


Add to the AGENDA email me

Geoff -Sec


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