Reliability Rides on 30th September

Thanks to the good works of various members of the committee I can announce that the Group is running two 'Reliability Rides' on 30th September. These will be open to all comers but we hope there will be a good showing from members.

The routes start and finish at Mungrisdale Village Hall

This is an organised event of the simplest kind – A route devised by those who know the area well and refreshment at the start and end of the ride.
There are two routes – 60km and 100km You will be given a GPX route for your Garmin and/or route card if you prefer. 

So that we all get back at about the same time and can share the crack and enjoy 'crumble and custard' together the 100km group will start at 0830 and the 60km ride will set off at 1000

Further details and entry forms are on the website here

Oh!  cost  a mere £10  Do let anyone you think might be interested know about this event.


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