AGM IN BRIEF and further developments!

 Not everyone will have been to the AGM but it was a pleasant social occasion as well as a key event from which the activities of the club stem. You can read the minutes in full on the website here but a brief summary follows:

There were the usual reports from the Secretary, Runs coordinator, Treasurer and Campaigns and promotions officer. Considering we have been without a chairperson all year the club has thrived with a very successful TriVets event and a continuing calendar of rides (thanks to our ride leaders).Those rides have depended quite heavily on a small core of leaders and we both need more members to take on leading rides and try our best to return to the ride list where we plan a full quarter ahead.

Well now we have a complete committee with Alison S as our chair and a new Treasurer in Tony S. Thanks to Cecilia for keeping things going during the awkward Covid years particularly as she has been so busy with driving matters Eamont and Ullswater ways! Particular thanks also to Bill O for his Chairmanship during the Covid years. The club could easily have collapsed but for his good works. We came out the other end with a superb and greatly appreciated TriVets event in 2022.

Now to AOB and what your committee intends in the next year:

Mike is going to encourage ride leaders to populate our runs list at least a month in advance so that we have the opportunity to plan and encourage more riders to join us on regular rides or at coffee stops.

Plans are afoot for a number of Pic-Nic rides particularly on the Summer Solstice at Long Meg - see runs list for further details.

The idea of Challenge rides or Reliability rides is being pursued with alternative 60km or 100km rides on possibly 30th September - watch this space for more 

Thought is being given to some form of group away events - currently we are researching days at the Sill YHA but longer stays are possible and the idea of a supported CToC or equivalent was possible. Again watch this space for developments.

Thanks as always to the committee for their hard work and enthusiasm and don’t forget you need not be a permanent member of the committee to help with the organisation of these events - just come and get involved!


Minutes of recent cttee meeting here


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