The Government have issued a consultation paper on proposals for management of the above. The consultation period ends on the 19th April.

Cycling UK has prepared its Response (the full response is not that long). I find myself in agreement with its (comprehensive, I think) submission. See

Areas covered include making National Parks and AONB more publicly accessible / management of traffic (e.g. speed limits on minor rural roads) / extension of Bridleways (Cumbria is better served than many parts of the country) / off road mechanical vehicles’ use (complex area – ban somewhere creates problems elsewhere ....) / extension of Authorities’ powers to make byelaws (resistance to extension without evidenced need) / duplication by new legislation of existing (albeit little used) legislation...... (and other matters)

Rather than repeat Cycling UK’s response I would propose to endorse it and maybe add benefit to our area on speed restrictions on our narrow roads.

Please would members let me know asp what you think. I propose to draft the submission, taking into account your observations, in the next 10 days.

Nigel Longworth (Campaigns Officer) 31.3.22


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