Feedback from Questionnaire

There were 33 responses to the recent questionnaire and the results have reviewed and make for interesting reading. As far as possible I have anonymised the results and you can follow this LINK to the results in spreadsheet format (you may find it easier to follow by copying into Excel and adjusting column widths etc as required. The main points as discussed by the committee are summarised in the table below.



1.1  (Item 1) effect of Covid: significant that c 1/3 of members had felt affected in so far as cycling concerned (‘lost habit’ common to some).

1.2  (Item 5) suggestions for Club rides: several contributors entered ideas such as club provision for:
1.2.1 shorter rides
1.2,2 accessible rides
1.2.3 One club day a month include the ‘coffee stop’ 
1.2.4 longer, slower than ‘3’, for ‘2’ level rides
1.2.5 introductory rides

1.3  Issues arising on club rides: 
1.3.1 the difficulty for members, ride leaders and Rides Officer, in determining what sort of ride speed particularly was expected. This represents a problem for new members especially. It was expected that as a member gathered experience from rides and discussion with other (club experienced) members, choice of ride participation becomes easier
1.3.2 small groups: had benefits of ease of regulation of pace of group but the disadvantage of not being able to easily split the group in the event of significant disparity in speed within the group
1.3.3 recommendations for action prior to ride date: ride leaders should know before the ride day who is coming, their experience and likely capacities and suitability for the ride intended. This should be initiated by the participant speaking with the ride leader at least on the day before the ride, if not earlier
1.3.4 Pace / ride styles:  ‘ideals’ of having a second ‘leader’ riding at the back of the group and / or the slowest rider setting the pace (through the ride) were mentioned. Short rides, introductory rides, advertised locally, were commended.
1.3.5 ‘assisted bikes / e-bikes’: often, recently, there were equal numbers of e-bikes and unassisted bikes on rides. It was noted that the type of riding the club undertakes leads to members having to wait for the last bike to catch up (this includes descent as well ascent). Historically, before e-bikes were ridden with the club, the waiting / catch up issue was sought to be addressed by the categorisation of rides (1, 2, and 3 ‘cycles’). The Club wants to encourage cycling; enjoyment of cycling is greater when the members riding have similar aspirations as to speed and distance and / or can adapt to different manners of riding. The club philosophy is that the slowest rider sets the (final average) pace of the ride.
1.3.6 Ride instructions / issues: MB offered to prepare some further thoughts on addressing the issues

Social Events (QUESTIONNAIRE  Q 10): 

2.1 17 members had arranged to go to the Christmas lunch on the 10thDecember
2.2 general response was not dissatisfaction with the club arrangements (in the prevailing Covid environment) and suggestions can be looked at.

Club Clothing (QUESTIONNAIRE  Q12): a variety of views had been expressed as to wearing and obtaining club clothing. The main view was that there was no great call for it. The issue of the club providing / paying for it for Club members was responded to with rejection. It was noted that the last Club clothing was viewed as very expensive (by comparison privately sold available strip).

There was a view that wearing of Club strip was a Club promotional issue. It was agreed that AF would make enquiries for cost of Gilets in a few sizes, for further discussion and perhaps referral back to membership.

CLUB ‘HOLIDAYS’ (item 12):
4.1 there appeared an appetite for these. The responses showed a wide spread of experience as well as demand.
4.2 2022 club week: there appeared club interest. Timing, location and volunteer(s) to organise were needed. The week could be later in the year than previously in view of proximity and Covid issues
4.3 interested members could be encouraged to set up trips (of their choice). Location, experience and nature (accommodation, static / moving on; one type of / multi options; block booking / participant booking; ride types road / off road / mixed)
4.4 A facet of the Club being ‘the encouragement of cycling’ a view was expressed that ‘private trips’ should be encouraged with request that some report be blogged to show members what could be done.
4.5 Various members had made suggestions as Club arranged trips and these could be followed up


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