Eden Valley COVID 19 Policy

Covid-19 has been with us for over a year. It would be nice to think it has run its course. Sadly it has not. 

This Policy has to cover an indefinite period during which it will have to be changed.

 Areas that the Club has to consider are (‘Risks’):

1.     Club Rides

2.     Club Socials (including Committee Meetings)

3.     ‘Club events’ at which non-members are present (Challenge Rides ...)

The Government has certain Requirements (Government Requirements) which have changed many times and will continue to change.

Club Committee Meetings will continue to be held remotely (principally by Zoom) for the present.

For other elements of 2 and 3 above (Club Socials and Club events) it is not intended to organise any such events for the time being. 

Club Rides:

The Club members, like it or not, are seen (by many non cycling members of society) as ‘cyclists’, not always with the greatest of enthusiasm.

It is important that Club Members demonstrate their awareness of risks of infection to themselves and others.

Club Rider Leaders have a Club Risk Assessment and Checklist a copy of which is on the Club Website and has been circulated to members principally by email. 
The Club Risk Assessment and Checklist is as important to general Club members as to the Ride Leaders

We ride ‘at our own risk’ as we have always done. 

Riders need to ensure they are properly equipped (it is advised that members consider carefully before offering others assistance, taking precautionary steps such as wearing masks, using Nitryl gloves, wiping down tools etc after other’s use etc).

Strict adherence to the Government Requirements is really important. 

Whilst riding as a Group Activity, the maximum number of cyclists in the Group is 15.
The Club recommends that rides are divided into smaller groups than 15.
To assist Ride Leaders plan Riders should contact the Leader at the latest in the evening before the ride, preferably by text to inform her / him of their intention to join the group.

In considering the Role of Ride Leaders the Committee took into account: 

  • regular attendees do not need detailed warning every time they go out with the Club
  •  repetition would not improve reception / adherence (people switch off)
  •  irregular / first time /anxious attendees may need reassurance / more than one familiarisation
  • leaders all have their own style and being too prescriptive as to delivery of Covid anxiety issues is likely to impede delivery of the message  
  • restrictions on our lives are to be expected. Those Restrictions should not be so onerous that they are not acceptable to the majority / a significant group. 

Before Rides members are reminded not to share vehicular transport.
Before the ride starts the general Government Requirements apply. 
The Leader will call the (riding) group together for briefing which starts the ride.
When the ride pauses (e.g. Coffee Stop) or stops (end of ride), the Government Requirements for the general population come back into effect.
End of Ride: at the destination of the ride getting off the rider’s bike triggers the application of the general Government Requirements (Rule of 6 etc).
The ‘ride’ may be extended if the Leader indicates that she / he wishes to talk something through about the ride with one or more with members of it.

The  Club Committee requests Club members to exercise a very disciplined approach – split into groups of not more than 6, not engage with others outside that 6 (i.e. not engage with those they have just been or are about to ride with) wear masks where needed etc.

There are grey areas around what is a Club Ride?  
Are they ‘all activities which involve members’ presence, however they may be promoted (does this include occasions when someone is not / no longer, a member)? 
Whatever Club members have to comply with the Government Requirements.

Coffee stops:
The general Government Requirements apply. Club members are general members of the public.

The Club wants to encourage cycling; coffee stop rides have been the principal Club activity for some members. Cycling UK says that cycling should not be discouraged as it is a good form of activity for peoples’ health

It is good for the general public to see how responsible cyclists can be. 

Records of rides:           
Role of Covid Officer is to encourage members to stay safe for themselves and others.

Records of attendance on rides and including Coffee Stops have to be kept. Such Records have been kept for years as members know (what would an AGM be like without them?). 

The Records are open to the NHS for Track and Trace purposes.

Nigel Longworth, 
Covid Officer 13.4.2021


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