Notice of 2021 Zoom AGM to all EV Cycling UK Members Saturday 10th April 1400hrs


Within the next 3 weeks I will be emailing all EV Cycling UK members with the Agenda of the Zoom meeting, with a Logon code and Password. As I am sure we are all aware Cycling UK has changed its annual year end from September to April. At the Extraordinary Meeting of 23rd October 2020 it was agreed to extend the tenure of the existing Committee until the new end of year in March 2021.

The Zoom AGM will consider the following;

  • Items on the agenda for the 2021 AGM. This is a call to all EV members for agenda items. Such Items must be submitted to the Secretary preferably by email before 27th March 2021. My email can be found on the EV website which is password protected for this information

  • Approving our new Constitution. We discovered that we could not find our original Constitution when planning for the Extraordinary General meeting and the Committee undertook to download a Cycling UK model constitution and adapt it to suit our needs. The Committee has done this and have sent a copy to Cycling UK for comment. In the light of comments received from Cycling UK we have amended our first draft. The Committee is asking EV members to read the draft constitution which is posted on our website and send comments to the secretary before the AGM on 10th April 2021. Members attending the Zoom AGM will be asked to discuss comments sent to the Secretary and vote to approve the new constitution.

  • Those attending the Zoom AGM will be asked to approve the Minutes of the 2019 AGM and the 2020 Extraordinary General meeting and as these minutes are posted on our website already I will not be sending these minutes with my email.

  • Officers reports for the 2021 AGM will be updated officers reports that we received for the Zoom EGM. They will not be read out at the Zoom AGM and people logging on to the Zoom AGM will be asked to read them beforehand and approve them at the Zoom AGM

  • Election of Officers for 2021-2; When I email EV members I will indicate which members of the Committee who are prepared to stand for Posts for the next year.

John Roelich (Secretary EV Cycling UK)


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