Oops ...

As most of you know Ruth rarely cycles, preferring 2 feet on fells to 2 wheels on tarmac. However with the c-thingy restrictions, cycling locally a good option, so she has been taking my old mountain bike out for a few miles - without me to nag her to go faster!

Got a rescue call - she'd propped the bike against a wall at Kirkland and it had fallen over. On getting back  on she couldn't work the brakes or gears but couldn't fathom out what was wrong .... her knight in shining armour (your truly) laughed his socks off and got out an allen key.

A mystery remains - when  corrected, the front brake cable outer simply was not long enough to reach the calliper bridge even after several minutes of head scratching and re routing. So she rode back on rear brake only and I am flummoxed - about to go and don thinking cap ....


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